”Esbjørn Hazelius and Johan Hedin – the pragmatically named duo Hazelius Hedin – are soundchecking on the summit of Hafstadfjellet, 700 meters above the small town of Førde ”
Den legendariska musiktidningen ”Rolling Stone” släppte igår en artikel om den Norska världs- och folkmusikfestivalen Førdefestivalen där bl.a. våra Hazelius Hedin medverkade. Tidningens skribent, Will Hermes, hade mycket fint att säga om duon:
”Arranged for nyckelharpa (a traditional keyed fiddle), guitar and other instruments, the material includes baroque instrumentals and singer-songwriter folk – Hazelius’ voice recalls English folk-rock king Richard Thompson’s, albeit singing in Swedish. One number involves a tale of emigrants leaving home towards better prospects in America; if the music is at all dated, it’s only that, in 2018, the opposite immigration route might seem more appealing.
The show was a highlight of Førdefestivalen, a “traditional music and world music festival” held in Førde every summer since 1990, this year over five days from July 4th through 8th.”
GRATTIS till de fina orden Hazelius Hedin och Førdefestivalen!
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